Podcasts are all the rage right now, they provide great content and you can listen to them while driving, doing chores or during a work-out. If you are looking for a personal finance podcast, you are at the right place. Whether it’s saving for retirement, tips on paying off student loans or learning how to change your money mindset (which we covered here) – the following podcasts will give you great content and help you get your money on track.
So Money
Hosted by journalist, author and Money Guru Farnoosh Torabi, So Money is the gold standard of personal finance podcasts. The episodes typically last 30 minutes and offer great advice on various money-related topics.
With a vibrant interviewing style, Torabi features guests who have made an impact in the financial world and have achieved success in their entrepreneurial pursuits. From guests like Queen Latifah, Barbara Corcoran, Erin Lowry to name a few, So Money offers tips on investing, retirement leaving listeners satisfied and craving more content. Be sure to check out her Friday Q&As which gives listeners a chance to have their pressing questions answered by Torabi herself.
Listen here: https://podcast.farnoosh.tv/
Journey To Launch
Journey To Launch is a fantastic resource with great content on building wealth through saving, investing and preparing for retirement. Host Jamila Souffrant has an impressive story of saving $85,000 in 12 months. Listeners will learn tips on achieving financial freedom from engaging guests who have slayed debt and are building their empires.
It’s important to note that this podcast is heavily focused on the Financial Independence, Retire Early (FIRE) movement. It’s an easy listen with Jamila’s soothing voice and will not disappoint.
Listen here: https://www.journeytolaunch.com/category/podcast/
Brown Ambition
This podcast is hosted by popular personal finance guru “The Budgetnista” Tiffany Aliche and Mandi Woodruff, Executive Editor at Lendingtree.com who blend perfectly together to create a lively, informational program. Their approach is more conversational, offering advice on how to navigate money issues, negotiating your salary, real estate investment among other finance topics.
Also, their collective experiences make for great content and can inspire viewers to take action and control their money life. Both have fun personalities, amazing wit and incredible knowledge that will keep you wanting for more.
Listen here: https://brownambitionpodcast.com/
More Money
The Canadian-based Mo’ Money podcast is hosted by Jessica Moorhouse, Accredited Financial Counsellor, blogger and millennial money expert. The podcast is full of great tips on side hustles, entrepreneurship, retirement, budgeting and more.
Additionally, the mix of Moorhouse’s bubbly personality and a revolving door of celebrity guests, entrepreneurs and authors – make for some enlightening moments on this podcast. Some topics may be Canadian-specific however the majority of the information can be applied to a universal audience. Check out this podcast and learn how to make and save mo’ money!
Listen here: https://soundcloud.com/momoneypodcast
The Clever Girls Know Podcast
Bola Sokunbi is the author of the Clever Girl Finance book series that dish out sound advice for women who are looking to build wealth and improve their financial literacy. The podcast is an extension of the series with interviews featuring guests who have improved their financial situation including paying off debt, dabbling in real estate investing and increasing their net worth. Aimed at millenial women, this podcast is a great resource for men as well and will leave you more informed and ready to make sound financial decisions.
Listen here: https://www.clevergirlfinance.com/podcast/
Listening to these podcasts will provide tips on building a holistic financial life. You will be inspired by the stories of resilience and possibilities of the different guests.
You can listen to any of these podcasts on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Stitcher or any other place where you listen to podcasts!
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