I recently read an article about the secret superpowers people have and it got me thinking, “what is my money superpower?”
I really spent some time thinking about this and after much consideration, I found that my money superpower is actually setting simple budgets that track my expenses.
I started tracking my expenses with a budget over a decade ago when I found that I was living paycheck to paycheck because I had no money management system in place. My income would disappear as soon as it came in and it wasn’t due to mismanagement but basic lack of knowledge.
That’s when I decided to set up some space in my free time to look at what where my money was going relative to my income and once I did this, I was able to regain control over my money. I found budgeting to be freeing because I could decide on what I wanted to spend my money on.
I did all of this with a notepad and a pen but I have now switched to Spreadsheets which makes it even easier!
The fun part is I enjoyed the process and have been practicing it for years. Although I have had a few rough points along the way, I try to remain consistent and still do this every single month to this day.
This budgeting superpower is one of the many aspects of my Grow Your Abundance Coaching Program where I help you to put proper money systems in place to help you build wealth. If you are interested, check it out here.
For more money resources, check out our FREE Get out of Paycheck to Paycheck Living Guide and also Get our 90 Day Money Action Plan and start building wealth today.
What is your money superpower? Is it paying off debt quickly or investing in cool companies? I would love to hear more… Let me know in the comments.
Photo by Klaus Nielsen on Pexels.com
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